HBC - Hoffman Beverage Co
HBC stands for Hoffman Beverage Co
Here you will find, what does HBC stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hoffman Beverage Co? Hoffman Beverage Co can be abbreviated as HBC What does HBC stand for? HBC stands for Hoffman Beverage Co. What does Hoffman Beverage Co mean?The United States based company is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of HBC
- H S B C Holdings, P. L. C.
- Hit By Car
- Historically Black College
- Hepatitis B Coalition
- Hebron Baptist Church
- Homes for Black Children
- Here Before The Company
- Hudson Bay Company
View 143 other definitions of HBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HPI Hatfield Philips International
- HMP Hotel Marine Plaza
- HEG Higher Ed Growth
- HRS Hagar Restaurant Service
- HSPSC Human Security Policy Studies Centre
- HEC The Howard Elliott Collection
- HDF Holland Dance Festival
- HTTL Human Touch Translations Ltd.
- HWML Hudson Wealth Management LLC
- HM High and Mighty
- HHC Hamilton Health Center
- HSG Health Source Group
- HCSO Hamilton County Sheriffs Office
- HIL Hydro Industries Limited
- HHMH Hilton Head Metropolitan Hotel
- HSI Higher Standards Inc
- HGG Hospital General de Granollers
- HPVP Hyde Park Venture Partners
- HLTC Hickman Land Title Company
- HML Hockley Mint Ltd